
Showing posts from October, 2023

Notes for the video "Athens before the Persian Wars"

  I'm following the Athenian folk history from Herodotus that considered Hipparkhos the real tyrant until his death in 514, but Thucydides and other historians claim Hippias was the true ruler all along even before 514. Kineas of Kondaia , king of Thessaly: Hdt. 5.63 has "Koniaios" as an ethnic name, which most translations change to Gonnoi, but this is not convincing: Gonnoi was in Perrhabia not even in Thessaly proper, and Herodotus mentions it twice in Book 7, so he knows the correct name and location. Other translations make up an unknown city called Konion. But in the video I identify it with Kondaia (Kondaios) instead, a real city in ancient Thessaly. I show Kineas as king of all of Thessaly, following a literal interpretation of Herodotus, but it's possible that he was just one of the many Thessalian princes with the title of "king" appointed to lead the campaign. The Aleuadai of Larisa appear as kings of all Thessaly later in Herodotus (480 BC, at 7