
Showing posts from August, 2023

Notes for the Ionian Revolt Part 3 video

Daurises 's reconquest of the Hellespontos progresses from south to north, from Dardanos towards Parion (Hdt 5.117) This implies that he didn't go north on the main road that connects the two regional capitals of the Persians (Sardis to Daskyleion), since then he would have started at Parion in the north instead. But he couldn't have taken the other established road going through the coast of the Troas either, since that region was only recaptured later by Hymaies (5.112). So I show him taking a middle road crossing several mountains north of Mt. Ida instead, but this is admittedly a bit strange. The location of the first battle between the Karians and the Persians must be south of the Maiandros where the Marsyas flows into it. (5.118) This is the only entry point into the Marsyas river valley of the Karians, and the battle plan about crossing the Maiandros also implies that it must have happened here. But I'm not really convinced that the usually accepted location of

Ionian Revolt: territorial changes

These are my notes about the territorial changes shown in the Ionian Revolt videos: Start of the revolt The Ionian Revolt starts with Miletos leaving the Persian Empire in 499 BC, followed by the rest of Ionia, and some parts of Karia and Aiolis in Hdt 5.37 Ionia : Herodotus doesn't specify which Ionians cities rebelled, but I'm assuming that it's the entire 12-city pan-Ionian alliance introduced in 1.142, even though Kolophon and Lebedos never show up during the revolt (the other 10 cities are all mentioned at some point).  I also include the territory of Smyrna, even though the city probably lies in ruins at this point, but Strabo 14.1.37 says the nation still existed in the surrounding villages. I include the other Greek cities that lie between the main 12 Ionian polises, so Marathesion, Pygela, Airai, Myonnesos etc are included as part of Ionia. I'm assuming that all of these were dependencies of the main 12 Ionian polises, but for some of them this is only known fo

Notes for the video "Ionian Revolt: Part 2"

Sardis campaign: The Battle of the Pamphylian Sea won by the Eretrians against "Cypriots" is from Plutarch's "On the Malice of Herodotus", it doesn't appear in Herodotus's Histories. The Cypriots here are usually interpreted to mean Phoenicians instead (who made up the bulk of the Persian navy) as it would be very strange if the Cyprus kingdoms that join the revolt later that year fought against the Greeks at the beginning of the uprising. I just write that the fleet is "coming from Cyprus", leaving its identity ambiguous. Eretria being the leading sea power of Greece at the time is a reference to Eusebius's list of Thalassocracies, which lists Eretria from 505-490 BC, so from the time its neighbor and rival Chalkis was taken over be Athens, until its destruction in the first Persian invasion of Greece.   The layout of the city of Sardis in 498 BC is problematic: Herodotus 5.101 describes the Paktolos stream flowing through the city squa