Notes for the Ionian Revolt Part 3 video
Daurises 's reconquest of the Hellespontos progresses from south to north, from Dardanos towards Parion (Hdt 5.117) This implies that he didn't go north on the main road that connects the two regional capitals of the Persians (Sardis to Daskyleion), since then he would have started at Parion in the north instead. But he couldn't have taken the other established road going through the coast of the Troas either, since that region was only recaptured later by Hymaies (5.112). So I show him taking a middle road crossing several mountains north of Mt. Ida instead, but this is admittedly a bit strange. The location of the first battle between the Karians and the Persians must be south of the Maiandros where the Marsyas flows into it. (5.118) This is the only entry point into the Marsyas river valley of the Karians, and the battle plan about crossing the Maiandros also implies that it must have happened here. But I'm not really convinced that the usually accepted location of ...